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この度は弊社Global Fabグループのホームページをご覧頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。

弊社Global Fabグループはベトナム ホーチミン市に2工場(Global Fab&GMT)と北部バクニン省に1工場(Gastech)の計3つの生産拠点を持ちベトナム全土のお客様に対して最寄りの拠点より迅速に対応させて頂いております。




Thank you very much for visiting our Global Fab Group's website.

Our company, Global Fab Group, has three factories: two in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Global Fab & GMT) and one in the northern province of Bac Ninh (Gastech), and we are able to respond quickly to customers throughout Vietnam from the nearest base.

Since our establishment in 2000, we have been expanding our business as a manufacturer of PVC extrusion and die-cutting of rubber, urethane, resin, etc., in the fields of home appliances, motorcycles, automobiles, etc.

In the future, we will continue to respond flexibly to the various demands of our customers and make every effort to meet their needs.
We look forward to working with you in the future.

トピックス Topics

  • 弊社では軟質PVC押出しによるパッキン、自動車用ワイヤーハーネス保護チューブ、その他PVC製品を多く作ってきましたが、近年、お客様からの硬質樹脂押出しのご要望が多くなり、硬質樹脂押出機を導入いたしました。
  • また、同様に自動車部品用として、ゴムプレス成型もはじめました。
  • In recent years, we have received many requests from our customers for hard plastic extrusion, and we have introduced a hard plastic extruder.
    We have also started rubber press molding for automotive parts as well.

新着情報 New information

Medium-sized (about 15 cm wide) hard extrusion is now possible.
Rubber press molding machine, introduced.
Hard plastic extruder, introduced.